Courses tagged with "year::2025"
Co-design for the Ocean Decade
Welcome to the IOC-UNESCO Co-design for the Ocean Decade course, a meticulously structured programme spanning six modules, each dedicated to unfolding the intricacies of co-design in the realm of sustainable ocean development. From a foundational introduction to the nuanced exploration of joint vision setting, stakeholder engagement, partnership cultivation, and sustainability strategies, this course delves deep into the principles and practices pivotal for co-design's success within the Ocean Decade's framework. Enriched with expert insights, quizzes, and diverse learning materials, it aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and collaborative ethos necessary to contribute effectively to the Ocean Decade's ambitious goals, fostering a community of learners poised to drive meaningful change in ocean science and policy.
The experts participating in this series of virtual event recognized that those involved in transdisciplinary research require different skills and knowledge to skilfully carry out each of the stages (co-design, co-production and co-delivery) of transdisciplinary research. Experts’ recommendations include amongst others developing training courses on transdisciplinary research and facilitating their integration into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Additionally, building the scientific capacity of the next generation of researchers and professionals (early-career ocean professionals, ECOPs) to develop the right set of skills and manoeuvrer the tools and methods specific to transdisciplinary research, was also encouraged by the group of experts.
Learning goals- Understand co-design Concepts (Understanding)
- Analyze the objectives and strategies outlined in the Ocean Decade's implementation plan (Analysing)
- Apply the learned co-design steps to develop a conceptual Decade Action Project idea (Applying)
- Develop Joint Vision and Objectives for co-design Projects (Creating)
- Identify and Map Relevant Stakeholders (Analysing)
- Formulate Stakeholder Engagement Strategies (Creating)
- Design an Equal Partnership Plan (Creating)
- Develop a Sustainability and Impact Monitoring Plan (Creating, Evaluating)
Course format
This is a self-paced
course. The estimated time required
to complete this course is 18 hours total, with a suggested strategy of
approximately 3 hours of dedication per week depending on individual
To enroll, please register on the OceanExpert website (
Once your OceanExpert account is Approved, you can self-enrol in the
course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol
in the course using your OceanExpert username and password. Course starts on 27 May 2024.
The enrolment key is Codesign24
Any specific questions about this course please contact: the OTGA secretariat ( always using the name of the course as email subject.
UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Awareness
Tsunamis are low frequency natural hazards but high impact events that may cause loss of lives and assets.
This online course provides a review of basic tsunami science to provide a basic understanding of the tsunami phenomenon, tsunami hazard and tsunami risk, the tsunami warning process and products, and how coastal communities and individuals can prepare themselves for the next tsunami.
Cours de formation en ligne de MSPglobal (FRANÇAIS)
Ce cours explore la Planification de l’Espace Marin/Maritime (PEM), sa relation avec d'autres approches de gouvernance intégrée de l’océan, le processus d'élaboration d'un plan de l’espace marin et comment l’utiliser. Il explore la définition et les éléments d'un plan de l’espace marin efficace d'un point de vue théorique et cherche ensuite à présenter la mise en œuvre de ces approches théoriques dans le cadre du processus de PEM.
L'importance de la Planification de l’Espace Marin/Maritime (PEM) sera explorée et des activités d'apprentissage seront organisées pour aider à comprendre la PEM, comment développer un plan d'espace marin et comment utiliser la PEM pour une bonne prise de décision. L'importance de préparer le contexte pour le développement du plan, l'engagement inclusif des parties prenantes et les considérations de genre, les aspects transfrontaliers ainsi que l’acquisition des données solides comme base de la planification de l'espace marin seront explorés. Des études de cas provenant du monde entier et portant sur différentes approches de l'élaboration et de l'utilisation des PEM seront également présentées.MSPglobal2024ES
Curso de formación en línea de MSPglobal (ESPAÑOL)
Este curso explora la planificación espacial marina/ marítima (PEM), su relación con otros enfoques de gobernanza integrada de los océanos, el proceso de elaboración de un plan espacial marino/marítimo y cómo utilizar un plan espacial marino/marítimo. Explora la definición y los elementos de la planificación espacial marina/marítima efectiva desde una perspectiva teórica y luego presenta cómo se aplican estos enfoques teóricos a través del proceso PEM.
Se explorará la importancia de la planificación espacial marina/marítima (PEM) y se realizarán actividades de aprendizaje para apoyar la comprensión de la PEM, cómo desarrollar un plan espacial marino/marítimo y cómo utilizar la PEM para una buena toma de decisiones. Se explorará la importancia de establecer el escenario para el desarrollo del plan, la participación inclusiva de las partes interesadas y las consideraciones de género, los aspectos transfronterizos y la evidencia de datos sólidos como base de la PEM. Se incluirán estudios de casos de todo el mundo sobre distintos enfoques de la elaboración y el uso de planes espaciales marinos/marítimos.MSPglobal2024EN
MSPglobal Online Training Course (ENGLISH)
This course covers a wide range of topics related to marine/maritime spatial planning (MSP), including the connections with integrated ocean governance approaches, the process for developing a marine spatial plan, and how to use a marine spatial plan at the global, regional, and local levels. It will explore the definition and elements of an effective MSP from a theoretical perspective and further present how these theoretical approaches are delivered through the MSP process.
The learning resources explain the importance of marine spatial planning (MSP) and the activities aim to increase understanding about how to develop a marine spatial plan, how to use this plan for better decision-making, the importance of setting the scene for plan development, how to conduct inclusive stakeholder engagement, gender considerations, transboundary aspects, and robust data evidence. The course also has case studies from around the world exploring different approaches to MSP development and uses of marine spatial plans.