sdg14a Scientific Knowledge And Research

Courses tagged with "sdg::14a_scientific_knowledge_and_research"

Tecnologías de información (SIG) aplicado al medio marino y costero 2024


Tecnologías de información (SIG) aplicado al medio marino y costero 2024

Training Center

El curso proporciona conocimientos básicos acerca de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) aplicados en un caso de estudio en el que se determinarán zonas de conservación usando el software ArcGIS. El curso incluye temas como: métodos de adquisición de datos, técnicas de procesamiento, análisis espacial e interpretación de datos, creación de productos basados en los resultados de los análisis y publicación con herramientas online de ESRI.

Proliferações Nocivas de Algas: regulação, impactos e previsão


Proliferações Nocivas de Algas: regulação, impactos e previsão

Training Center

As proliferações nocivas de algas (Harmful Algal Blooms, HABs) apresentam múltiplos impactos negativos na exploração de recursos marinhos vivos, outras atividades socioeconómicas, saúde pública e dinamica dos ecossistemas marinhos. O aumento da intensidade e frequência destes eventos exige a aplicação de medidas de gestão ambiental adequadas, incluindo a previsão de HAB e eventual mitigação dos seus efeitos. Este curso abrange tópicos relevantes na área da fisiologia e ecologia de organismos formadores de HAB em ecossistemas marinhos, incluindo traços funcionais, forçadores ambientais, padrões de distribuição e tendências de evolução temporal. 

Biological Data Management


Biological Data Management

Training Center

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction for the management and archive of marine biological data, including the guiding principles of biological data management and typical responsibilities for data managers. Several types of biological data will be tackled, including observational data, image-derived data and omics data and how these data can be formatted, standardized and quality controlled before being submitted to wider regional, national and international initiatives. Watch the video below for a brief overview and introduction.



Find all the information on how to enroll in this course on OceanExpert:

Ocean Literacy: Why the ocean should matter to us all (Self Paced)


Ocean Literacy: Why the ocean should matter to us all (Self Paced)

Training Center

We all depend on the ocean, yet Ocean Literacy needs to be further enhanced worldwide. Ocean Literacy (OL) is ‘the understanding of human influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on people’. It is not only about increasing awareness on the state of the ocean, but it is also about providing tools and approaches to transform ocean knowledge into actions that promote ocean sustainability.

This course  provides a general overview of the importance of the ocean, the challenges it faces, and ways forward for sustainability. It will introduce the concept of Ocean Literacy, describe its basic principles, tools and approaches, and give a basic understanding of how a wide spectrum of stakeholders and social actors can support Ocean Literacy. It ultimately expects to encourage participants to incorporate Ocean Literacy in their work and everyday lives.

This is a self-taught course that includes presentations, references and quizzes designed to help learners assess their own learning at regular intervals. In order to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate, it is a requirement to complete all quizzes ((unlimited attempts allowed).

To enrol, please register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is Approved, you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol in the course using your OceanExpert user name and password.

The enrolment key is Ol**2024

This is a self paced course and no feedback will be provided. For specific questions about this course please contact:

iSea Stories: Understanding the Ocean for Media and Press (Self Paced)


iSea Stories: Understanding the Ocean for Media and Press (Self Paced)

Training Center

The ocean provides numerous public benefits yet there is a pressing need to further mainstream Ocean Literacy in governance. Ocean Literacy (OL) is ‘the understanding of human influence on the Ocean and the Ocean’s influence on people’. This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability.

This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability. 

This is a self-taught course that includes presentations, references and quizzes designed to help learners assess their own learning at regular intervals. In order to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate, it is a requirement to complete all quizzes ((unlimited attempts allowed).

To enrol, please register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is Approved, you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol in the course using your OceanExpert user name and password.

The enrolment key is Ol**2024

This is a self paced course and no feedback will be provided. For specific questions about this course please contact:

Educating about the Ocean: Waves of change (Self Paced)


Educating about the Ocean: Waves of change (Self Paced)

Training Center

The ocean provides numerous public benefits yet there is a pressing need to further mainstream Ocean Literacy in governance. Ocean Literacy (OL) is ‘the understanding of human influence on the Ocean and the Ocean’s influence on people’. This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability.

This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability. 

This is a self-taught course that includes presentations, references and quizzes designed to help learners assess their own learning at regular intervals. In order to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate, it is a requirement to complete all quizzes ((unlimited attempts allowed).

To enrol, please register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is Approved, you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol in the course using your OceanExpert user name and password.

The enrolment key is Ol**2024

This is a self paced course and no feedback will be provided. For specific questions about this course please contact:

Contributing datasets to EMODnet Biology


Contributing datasets to EMODnet Biology

Training Center

The EMODnet Biology/EurOBIS team created the course as a means to assist data providers in understanding the project and its interaction with other international initiatives like OBIS and GBIF, and to provide step-by-step training in data reformatting and quality control ahead of submission. Upon completion of the course, data providers should be able to independently standardize their data to Darwin Core and resolve any quality issues.

Learning goals

At the end of this training, learners should be able to:
  • Gain understanding of the EMODnet Biology project and how it interlinks with other European and international initiatives in the field of biodiversity knowledge.
  • Recognize the importance of sharing biological data, taking into account the FAIR principles.
  • Develop skills to correctly format biological data to EMODnet Biology and EurOBIS formats.
  • Gain knowledge on the required quality control steps and on the importance of interoperability.

Target audience

Anyone interested in marine biodiversity data.

This is a self-taught course that includes quizzes designed to help learners assess their own learning at regular intervals.

How to enroll

Please register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is approved (this is not done immediately), you can self-enroll in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enroll in the course using your OceanExpert username and password.

First log in OceanTeacher, then access the course page and click on self-enrollment.

The enrolment key is EMODNETBio**2023

For any questions please contact the OTGA Secretariat ( or the EMODnet biology secretariat" target="_blank" rel="noopener">( always using the name of the course as email subject.

There are no tuition fees. 

UNESCO is committed to promoting equal access principles. Applications from minority or underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.

Mainstreaming Ocean Literacy in Governance (Self Paced)


Mainstreaming Ocean Literacy in Governance (Self Paced)

Training Center

The ocean provides numerous public benefits yet there is a pressing need to further mainstream Ocean Literacy in governance. Ocean Literacy (OL) is ‘the understanding of human influence on the Ocean and the Ocean’s influence on people’. This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability.

This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability. 

This is a self-taught course that includes presentations, references and quizzes designed to help learners assess their own learning at regular intervals. In order to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate, it is a requirement to complete all quizzes ((unlimited attempts allowed).

To enrol, please register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is Approved, you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol in the course using your OceanExpert user name and password.

The enrolment key is Ol**2024

This is a self paced course and no feedback will be provided. For specific questions about this course please contact:

IOC/OTGA/OL: Ocean Literacy Training for architects and urban planners (self-paced)


IOC/OTGA/OL: Ocean Literacy Training for architects and urban planners (self-paced)

Training Center

The ocean is intrinsically connected to our lives, our coast, our heritage, architecture, and to how our cities are planned. Ocean Literacy (OL) is the understanding of human influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on people. 

This course will provide architects, urban planners, marine planners, and designers with an overview of the importance of the ocean and how to consider it when planning and designing. It will showcase examples of how the ocean can be considered in diverse scales, from the design of a small product that can later connect to the ocean with its materials, the design of buildings and infrastructure that interact with the architecture and infrastructure and the overall planning of our cities, which have a deep interaction with our oceanic common systems. This training aims to provide professionals with diverse tools so they can consider sustainable ways to consider the ocean in their decision-making process.

This is a self-taught course that includes presentations, references and quizzes designed to help learners assess their own learning at regular intervals. In order to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate, it is a requirement to complete all quizzes ((unlimited attempts allowed).

To enrol, please register on the OceanExpert website ( Once your OceanExpert account is Approved, you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol in the course using your OceanExpert user name and password.

The enrolment key is Ol**2024

This is a self paced course and no feedback will be provided. For specific questions about this course please contact:

Blue-Cloud 2026


Blue-Cloud 2026

Training Center

Blue-Cloud 2026 aims at a further evolution of this pilot ecosystem into a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for deepening research of oceans, EU seas, coastal & inland waters. It develops a thematic marine extension to EOSC for open web-based science, serving the needs of the EU Blue Economy, Marine Environment and Marine Knowledge agendas.

Cambio Climático: Carbono Azul y adaptación basada en ecosistemas marinos y costero 2023


Cambio Climático: Carbono Azul y adaptación basada en ecosistemas marinos y costero 2023

Training Center

El curso busca sentar las bases respecto a los conceptos y prácticas relacionadas con carbono azul (mitigación – captura de CO2) y adaptación en ecosistemas marinos y costeros, en el marco de la convención de cambio climático, el plan estratégico Ramsar 2016 – 2024 y los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 13 y 14. Busca también una retroalimentación e intercambio de experiencias por parte de todos los participantes de acuerdo a sus conocimientos y lecciones aprendidas en temas de conservación y manejo de ecosistemas marinos y costero o planificación de usos en el territorio.

Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Africa


Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Africa

Training Center

The course serves as an introduction to R programming language and software environment (RStudio) for data exploration, cleaning, organizing, analysis and visualization. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical and biological) datasets will be used in the training, making it easy to relate, understand and apply the course concept. The course is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals, hence, no prior experience is required. 

Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Asia


Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Asia

Training Center

The course serves as an introduction to R programming language and software environment (RStudio) for data exploration, cleaning, organizing, analysis and visualization. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical and biological) datasets will be used in the training, making it easy to relate, understand and apply the course concept. The course is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals, hence, no prior experience is required. 

El Niño: Definiciones e Impactos


El Niño: Definiciones e Impactos

Training Center

Este curso tiene la finalidad de introducir a la audiencia hacia los conceptos del “El Niño Oscilación Sur (ENOS)”. Se hará énfasis sobre los efectos en sectores de interés público. 

IOC/OTGA/HAB: Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae 2023


IOC/OTGA/HAB: Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae 2023

Training Center

Since 1993 the IOC has conducted training courses on harmful microalgae. The purpose has been to improve the taxonomic and identification skills of the participants for research purposes and for practical monitoring of harmful algal blooms.

From 2006 the IOC training in HAB identification has been offered within a new framework which gives accreditation. The present course includes now a practical exam at the end of the course with an IOC Certificate of Proficiency in Identification of Harmful Algae issued to participants who pass the exam. We know by experience that many of the more than 500 trainees we have had over the years have wished the courses to give accreditation, and in some countries, the IOC courses have become a reference for laboratories to be approved for carrying out regulatory monitoring for harmful microalgae.

The IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, University of Copenhagen, Denmark is organizing the course. 

Culturing and microscopy techniques for the analysis of phytoplankton diversity 2023


Culturing and microscopy techniques for the analysis of phytoplankton diversity 2023

Training Center

Phytoplankton comprises a range of very different organism from tiny and almost featureless picoplankton taxa to large diatoms and dinoflagellates nearing 1 mm in diameter. They essentially form the base of the food web and therefore a detailed knowledge of this diverse group of organisms is vital for developing an understanding of marine communities and their interactions with their environment and with each other. Unfortunately, the diversity of methods available for the quantitative and qualitative analysis is almost as diverse as the phytoplankton itself. This course will take you through the most important methodologies for quantitative and qualitative (non-molecular) biodiversity assessments of phytoplankton.