
Courses tagged with "rtc::ghana"

Ocean Acidification - BIOTTA


Ocean Acidification - BIOTTA

Training Center

Ocean acidification (OA) is a global environmental issue caused by the continuing release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This course covers the causes of ocean acidification, associated chemical changes, its effects on marine organisms and the global ocean, how to measure ocean acidification, how to plan appropriate observations in the field and experiments in the laboratory, and the political response to the threat of ocean acidification on the global, regional and local scale.

This course may be completed online remotely or online at the University of Ghana OTGA RTC. It is organized by the leads of the Building CapacIty in Ocean AcidificaTion MoniToring in the Gulf of GuineA (BIOTTA) project at the University of Ghana with the support of The Ocean Foundation and the IOC Ocean Science Section. The course content has been made available by the IOC Ocean Science Section and ocean acidification experts. This course is envisioned to provide baseline ocean acidification knowledge to multiple levels of researchers and students at institutions that will be receiving GOA-ON in a Box kits to conduct ocean acidification monitoring in 2024.

Earth Observation data and techniques for fisheries management


Earth Observation data and techniques for fisheries management

Training Center

Fishing vessel traffic data derived from Automatic Identification System (AIS) has become an essential component for building fisheries intelligence.  Enforce and related fisheries management strategies rely on such information to curb illegal fishing, plan and implement policies for the sustainability of marine living resources. 

Fisheries managers and enforcers require specialized skills to processes the large volume of positional, navigational and voyage related information embedded in AIS data.  Open-source programming software such as Python has lots of third-party modules for building packages and functions.  This makes Python an asset for the creation of customized data processing, analyses and visualization to support in making informed decisions in the management of natural resources.   

This training course will provide participants an understanding of the movement of fishing vessels and skills in processing AIS data.