
Courses tagged with "mode_of_delivery::blended"

Introduction to Oceanographic Survey Techniques and Data Management


Introduction to Oceanographic Survey Techniques and Data Management

Training Center


Global change requires studying the ocean in more detail and at longer and larger scales. Capacity development and training on standard survey techniques and the use of simple sensors has been identified as a tool to enhance ocean observation. This course serves as an introduction to oceanographic survey techniques and data processing. It is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs), students, and other oceanographers who intend to pursue oceanography and marine sciences. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical, and biological) datasets will collected and used during the training, making it easy to relate, understand, and apply the course concept.

Venue: AquaBioTech Group, Mosta, Malta

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the learners are expected to:

  • Be familiar with oceanographic survey techniques.
  • Understand how to use simple data collection tools and sensors.
  • Be familiar with measurement of temperature, salinity, turbidity, depth oxygen and chlorophyll.
  • Produce meaningful descriptive statistics and informative graphs from raw data.
  • Results interpretation and discussion for scientific communication and writing.

Course contents

The course will be divided into 4 modules:

Module 1: Field sampling techniques for basic coastal oceanographic parameters

  • Introduction to oceanographic parameters temperature, salinity, turbidity, depth oxygen and chlorophyll.
  • Preparing a field work checklist,
  • Safety measures during field work
  • Calibration, and deploying of sensors and equipment
  • Field surveys

Module 2: Data visualization and management

  • Data retrieval
  • Data entry
  • Data visualization in R software using ggplot package
  • Simple analysis using R
  • Data management: storage, sharing and repository

Module 3: Basics of scientific writing

  • Language and structure
  • Graphics and visuals
  • Citation and referencing
  • Plagiarism

Module 4: Basics of science communication and outreach

  • Language and sentence structure in science communication
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Visuals for infographics
  • Policy briefs

Target audience

ECOPs who are enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, or have completed their Masters Degree and intend to use this knowledge in their academic or research related work. No prior R knowledge will be required, but knowledge on basics of oceanography is desired.  The current course is specifically targeting ECOPs from and/or based in the Mediterranean region (from Southern Europe, Northern Africa and Western Middle East).

Language of instruction: English

Moderators and Instructors

Ines Boujmil – Aqua Biotech Group

Dr. Anabel von Jackwoski - Stockholm University

Mr. Gabriel Akoko Juma – Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany


This course is being organized with the support of the Early Career Ocean Professionals Programme, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Stockholm University, Aqua Biotech Group, International Ocean Institute, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy and UNESCO-IOC Ocean Teacher Global Academy.


Coastal Vulnerability Mapping and Analysis using QGIS 2024


Coastal Vulnerability Mapping and Analysis using QGIS 2024

Training Center

Geospatial science provides vital information on the sustainable use of the coastal resource and planning. It an imperative use such techniques for managing densely populated coastal environs. This course provides an overview of GIS applications pertaining to coastal vulnerability and analysis. It will provide the basic GIS mapping techniques on storm surge vulnerability, and its socio-economic impact using open source GIS tools. Course also includes data acquisition, processing, analysis and interpretation of coastal spatial data. In addition extensive hands on sessions will be conducted to use tools for preparation of thematic base maps for coastal vulnerability due to Tsunamis, Storm surges and their impact.

Ocean Colour Remote Sensing - Data, Processing and Analysis 2024


Ocean Colour Remote Sensing - Data, Processing and Analysis 2024

Training Center

Ocean colour analysis is a proven tool for determining the health of ocean using oceanic biological activity through optical means. Phytoplankton pigment, chlorophyll, are indicators of equilibrium of CO2 concentration between atmosphere and ocean. The oceanic colour changes due to chlorophyll a provides the level of primary productivity whereas the colour change due to CDOM can be attributed to the level of pollution and higher particulate matter. The ability of optical sensors to map the spatial and temporal patterns of ocean colour over regional and global scales has provided important insights into the fundamental bio-optical properties and bio-physical processes occurring in the aquatic media. Chlorophyll, SST and PAR can be operationally scaled up to estimate primary production and estimate the fish stocks. This training focuses on the basics of marine optics, ocean colour remote sensing, and its applications such as mapping primary productivity, phytoplankton classes and algal blooms.

Find all details about this course in: ;

Attendance to this course is by application only. Access will be granted to the selected participants.

Erasmus Maris Week 2024 - Program on Microplastic Monitoring in Aquatic Environment


Erasmus Maris Week 2024 - Program on Microplastic Monitoring in Aquatic Environment

Training Center

This course is part of the Erasmus Maris initiative which overall goal is to engage secondary schools in key phases of marine science studies, through a dynamic blend of formal and non-formal learning.  The current spotlight is on the critical issue of microplastic pollution in aquatic environments. The goal is to place schools at the forefront of this pressing research, contributing to real-world solutions.

The Erasmus Maris week is an immersive educational experience focusing on microplastics pollution. The course involves various activities such as nautical exercises for team building, sampling microplastics onboard sailboats, analysis of environmental samples, and workshops. There is be a strong emphasis on teamwork, collaboration, and hands-on learning. It also includes a "train the trainers" session for the teachers.


Teachers and students from different countries spend a week immersed in a nautical environment, exploring marine science concepts through engaging activities like kayaking, SUP, and sailing. 

​​Just as scientists share findings through conferences and journals, the Erasmus Maris week fosters a similar environment among participating schools. Schools share their experiences, insights, and challenges, creating a dynamic community of learners. Expert scientists are invited to these sessions for invaluable feedback. 

All activities are supervised by seasoned professionals, ensuring a safe and enriching experience.

​Onshore facilities, including classrooms, labs, and waterfront areas, support offshore activities for instruction, experimentation, and data analysis 

This integration allows students to approach marine science from diverse angles. This also promote collaboration among students, educators, and scientists, fostering a collaborative learning environment that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.


The sailboat has a strong power of attraction over youth because it conveys an ecological message and produces a feeling of freedom and adventure. The practice of sailing helps developing values such as rigour and team spirit  and provides practical learning of multidisciplinary skills. Besides, the marine environment around the sailboat is an open laboratory for studying life sciences. 

More information:

Learning outcomes:

A.    Knowledge:

  • Recall key terms related to microplastic pollution.
  • Identify the main environmental impacts of microplastics.
  • Identify different types of microplastics commonly found in aquatic environments
  • List the different abiotic factors relevant to marine ecosystems.

B.     Comprehension:

  • Describe the importance of microplastics analysis in environmental research.

C.     Applying:

  • Collaborate with other pupils to apply sampling protocol to collect microplastic samples in different aquatic environments.
  • Use scientific equipment to measure abiotic factors in marine ecosystems.
  • Apply Erasmus Maris protocol for the analysis of environmental samples.

D.    Analysis:

  • Interpret data collected during the Erasmus Maris week and compare microplastic concentrations between rivers and seas and/or between different samples.

E.     Synthesis and evaluation

  • Assess the environmental impact of microplastic pollution based on the data collected.


Participation in this course is closed to representatives from the ten schools participating in the Erasmus Maris program, spread across six different countries in Europe. Each school chose 6 students to participate in the training, accompanied by their respective teachers. 

Training on the Implementation of Satellite Altimetry Data for Operational Metocean Services


Training on the Implementation of Satellite Altimetry Data for Operational Metocean Services

Training Center

The training course will focus on utilizing satellite technology to provide accurate wave height and sea surface height information to support marine operations. Several types of satellite altimetry data will be explored. By the utilization of satellite altimetry data, forecasted wave height output from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) will be verified. The course will also examine the usage of various satellite observations to monitor significant wave height, sea surface height, and sea level rise. Throughout the course, trainees will have the opportunity to develop their skills in satellite data processing, interpretation, analysis, and visualization.

MangRes: Conservación y restauración de manglares en reservas de biosfera


MangRes: Conservación y restauración de manglares en reservas de biosfera

Training Center


Este curso híbrido se centrará en la conservación y restauración de manglares dentro de las reservas de biosfera. Su objetivo es compartir conocimientos prácticos y desarrollar capacidades en el contexto del Programa sobre el Hombre y la Biosfera MAB de la UNESCO y la perspectiva de las reservas de biosfera en la protección de los manglares, centrándose inicialmente en el proyecto MangRes y la red IberoMAB. Los recursos de aprendizaje abarcarán todas las etapas de la restauración de manglares, incluyendo planificación, orientación científica, participación comunitaria, esfuerzos de restauración sobre el terreno, seguimiento y evaluación, y garantía de sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Las características clave del curso incluyen:
  • Aprovechar conocimientos prácticos, especialmente a través de estudios de casos, para facilitar la replicabilidad en las reservas de biosfera y otros sitios relevantes.
  • Proporcionar metodologías e indicadores basados en la ciencia y la participación comunitaria.
  • Compartir las mejores prácticas y los conocimientos adquiridos en proyectos anteriores.
Tenga en cuenta que los módulos iniciales se llevarán a cabo íntegramente en línea, mientras que el segmento final se realizará en la Reserva de Biosfera Ciénaga de Santa Marta en Colombia. La participación presencial requiere la finalización de todos los módulos en línea.
Los resultados del aprendizaje
Al final de este curso, el alumno debería poder:
  • Demostrar una comprensión integral de los principios de conservación y restauración de los manglares, especialmente dentro de las reservas de biosfera.
  • Evaluar la importancia de cada fase del proceso de restauración de manglares, incluyendo la planificación, la orientación científica, la participación de la comunidad, la implementación sobre el terreno, el seguimiento, la evaluación y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo.
  • Implementar métodos e indicadores basados en la ciencia e impulsados por la comunidad para una conservación efectiva de los manglares.
  • Aplicar y compartir los conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso en sus propias reservas de biosfera.


Módulo 1. El Programa MAB de la UNESCO y la perspectiva de las reservas de biosfera en la protección de los manglares

  • Introducción al Programa sobre el Hombre y la Biosphera (MAB) de la UNESCO.
  • Las reservas de biosfera como sistemas socioecológicos y su trabajo en la protección de los manglares.
  • Proyectos relacionados con manglares en reservas de biosfera y el Proyecto MangRes.

Módulo 2. Conociendo el ecosistema de manglar

  • Definición de manglares, su ubicación, especies, indicadores ecológicos, componentes clave y clasificación ecológica.
  • Aspectos biofísicos de los manglares, incluyendo hidrología, funcionamiento de los ecosistemas, ambiente fisicoquímico del suelo, y biodiversidad de los manglares.

Módulo 3. Importancia de la conservación y las amenazas a los ecosistemas de manglares

  • Servicios ecosistémicos de los manglares y principales amenazas.
  • Impacto del cambio climático en los ecosistemas costeros y la vulnerabilidad de los manglares.

Módulo 4. Manejo de ecosistemas de manglares y buenas prácticas desde el campo

  • Ejemplos de buenas prácticas, desafíos y oportunidades en la gestión comunitaria de ecosistemas de manglares.

Módulo 5. Restauración ecológica de manglares

  • Introducción a la restauración de manglares, conceptos de restauración, métodos de evaluación del impacto ambiental y presentación de herramientas de restauración.

Módulo 6. Manglares y actividades socioeconómicas sostenibles

  • Estudios de caso sobre la conservación comunitaria de los manglares y análisis de la viabilidad económica de las actividades relacionadas.

*Módulo 7 (PRESENCIAL; 14 al 18 de abril de 2025). Restauración de manglares in situ - SOLO P/ CONVIDATOS

Este módulo presencial se enfoca en aplicar los conceptos aprendidos en módulos anteriores directamente en el campo, en la Reserva de Biosfera Ciénaga de Santa Marta. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de implementar herramientas de monitoreo y técnicas de restauración, experimentando de primera mano la restauración ecológica de manglares.

Público objetivo

El curso está diseñado para responsables de la Reserva de Biosfera del proyecto MangRes y de la red IberoMAB, así como miembros clave de la comunidad local y profesionales de áreas de manglares las reservas de biosfera implicadas.

También estará abierto para que todas las personas interesadas en este tema se inscriban para la parte en línea.

Organizadores e Instructores:

El curso está organizado por la UNESCO, INVEMAR, OTGA, y VLIZ, con instructores expertos en la materia:

Dr. Jorge Alfredo Herrera Silveira

Dra. Claudia Teutli Hérnandez (CINVESTAV)

Dra. Siuling Cinco Castro (CINVESTAV)

Dra. Paula Sierra Correa (INVEMAR)

Dra. Diana Di Nitto (VUB)

Dra. Alba Calles Procel (ESPOL)

Dr. Carlos Martillo (ESPOL)

Juana Jimenez (VLIZ)

Duración y formato del curso

El curso combina 20 horas de actividades asincrónicas en línea con 15 horas de formación presencial intensiva (Limitada a aproximadamente 15 participantes), proporcionando una experiencia de aprendizaje integral desde el 18 de noviembre de 2024 hasta el 18 de abril de 2025.

Los módulos en línea estarán disponibles para acceso y finalización desde el 18 de noviembre de 2024 hasta el 18 de abril de 2025; la finalización exitosa de la parte en línea será un requisito para la invitación/participación en el módulo presencial.

Requisitos tecnológicos/habilidades informáticas

Se requieren conocimientos básicos de TI, como navegación por Internet y gestión de archivos, para acceder al contenido del curso y participar eficazmente en las actividades propuestas.

Evaluación y certificado

Se otorgará un certificado de finalización a aquellos participantes que completen con éxito todos los módulos en línea y presenciales, demostrando su comprensión y capacidad para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos.


Solicitudes y criterios de selección

La participación en los módulos en línea está limitada a 100 alumnos. Complete el formulario de solicitud en línea disponible en este ENLACE. Las solicitudes comienzan el 14 de octubre de 2024. La fecha límite para presentar la solicitud es el 11 de novembre de 2024 (23:59 CET: hora de Europa Central). EXTENDIDO 14 de novembre 2024 (23:59 CET: hora de Europa)

Las solicitudes para participar en los módulos en línea están limitadas a 100 alumnos, con un proceso de selección basado en la participación activa en actividades de conservación y restauración de manglares. Se invitará a aproximadamente 15 participantes a la sesión presencial, con todos los costos cubiertos por la UNESCO.

Este enfoque integral y práctico asegura que los participantes no solo aprendan sobre la teoría y la ciencia detrás de la restauración de manglares, sino que también adquieran habilidades prácticas y experiencia directa en la gestión y restauración de estos ecosistemas vitales.

La UNESCO está comprometida a promover los principios de igualdad de acceso. Se recomiendan encarecidamente las solicitudes de grupos minoritarios o subrepresentados.


Gratis. No hay tasas de matrícula.

Todos los participantes seleccionados (15) para participar en el módulo presencial tendrán su viaje a Colombia en abril de 2025 financiado por la UNESCO o por medios propios.


Coordinadoras del curso:

María Rosa Cárdenas

Jazmín Cevallos Vintimilla

Bárbara Ávila

Secretaría de la OTGA:

Curso regional de capacitación y entrenamiento sobre medición del sistema de carbonatos para la evaluación del indicador de acidez media del mar (ODS 14.3.1) 2024


Curso regional de capacitación y entrenamiento sobre medición del sistema de carbonatos para la evaluación del indicador de acidez media del mar (ODS 14.3.1) 2024

Training Center

El curso proporcionará los conocimientos y las herramientas a técnicos de la región en y análisis químico de acidez, alcalinidad total y carbono inorgánico disuelto de las aguas costeras, siguiendo un protocolo estandarizado en la región para el reporte del indicador 14.3.1 del ODS 14.

El curso proporcionará los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para que los técnicos y encargados del informe del indicador ODS 14.3.1.,  puedan realizar el reporte siguiendo el protocolo estandarizado de UNESCO-COI.

Se busca que los participantes intercambien experiencias, conocimientos y lecciones aprendidas en los procesos analíticos de laboratorio, cálculo, informe e interpretación del indicador 14.3.1.

A nivel regional el Curso busca consolidar la Red de Investigación de Estresores Marinos - Costeros en Latinoamérica y El Caribe - REMARCO en la medición del sistema de carbonato.

IOC/OTGA/HAB: Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae 2023


IOC/OTGA/HAB: Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae 2023

Training Center

Since 1993 the IOC has conducted training courses on harmful microalgae. The purpose has been to improve the taxonomic and identification skills of the participants for research purposes and for practical monitoring of harmful algal blooms.

From 2006 the IOC training in HAB identification has been offered within a new framework which gives accreditation. The present course includes now a practical exam at the end of the course with an IOC Certificate of Proficiency in Identification of Harmful Algae issued to participants who pass the exam. We know by experience that many of the more than 500 trainees we have had over the years have wished the courses to give accreditation, and in some countries, the IOC courses have become a reference for laboratories to be approved for carrying out regulatory monitoring for harmful microalgae.

The IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, University of Copenhagen, Denmark is organizing the course. 

Ocean Colour Remote Sensing - Data, Processing and Analysis 2023


Ocean Colour Remote Sensing - Data, Processing and Analysis 2023

Training Center

Ocean colour analysis is a proven tool for determining the health of ocean using oceanic biological activity through optical means. Phytoplankton pigment, chlorophyll, are indicators of equilibrium of CO2 concentration between atmosphere and ocean. The oceanic colour changes due to chlorophyll a provides the level of primary productivity whereas the colour change due to CDOM can be attributed to the level of pollution and higher particulate matter. The ability of optical sensors to map the spatial and temporal patterns of ocean colour over regional and global scales has provided important insights into the fundamental bio-optical properties and bio-physical processes occurring in the aquatic media. Chlorophyll, SST and PAR can be operationally scaled up to estimate primary production and estimate the fish stocks. This training focuses on the basics of marine optics, ocean colour remote sensing, and its applications such as mapping primary productivity, phytoplankton classes and algal blooms.

Coastal Vulnerability Mapping and analysis using QGIS 2023


Coastal Vulnerability Mapping and analysis using QGIS 2023

Training Center

Geospatial science provides vital information on the sustainable use of the coastal resource and planning. It an imperative use such techniques for managing densely populated coastal environs. This course provides an overview of GIS applications pertaining to coastal vulnerability and analysis. It will provide the basic GIS mapping techniques on storm surge vulnerability, and its socio-economic impact using open source GIS tools. Course also includes data acquisition, processing, analysis and interpretation of coastal spatial data. In addition extensive hands on sessions will be conducted to use tools for preparation of thematic base maps for coastal vulnerability due to Tsunamis, Storm surges and their impact.

PacMAN eDNA: Marine Invasive Species Early Detection: Utilising Molecular Tools_2023 (self-paced)

SP_PacMAN eDNA 2023

PacMAN eDNA: Marine Invasive Species Early Detection: Utilising Molecular Tools_2023 (self-paced)

Training Center

This training course will provide and introduction to sample collection and sorting, including taxonomy and processing for DNA extraction, eDNA and qPCR analyses, as well as a quick guide on the use of the bioinformatics for sequence analysis to in-country (Fiji) managers and technical staff.

International Phytoplankton Intercomparison 2022
Marine Invasive Species Early Detection: Utilising Molecular Tools

PacMAN eDNA 2022

Marine Invasive Species Early Detection: Utilising Molecular Tools

Belgium, Pacific
Training Center

This training course will provide and introduction to sample collection and sorting, including taxonomy and processing for DNA extraction, eDNA and qPCR analyses, as well as a quick guide on the use of the bioinformatics for sequence analysis to in-country (Fiji) managers and technical staff.

Ocean Colour Remote Sensing - Data, Processing and Analysis


Ocean Colour Remote Sensing - Data, Processing and Analysis

Training Center

Ocean colour analysis is a proven tool for determining the health of ocean using oceanic biological activity through optical means. Phytoplankton pigment, chlorophyll, are indicators of equilibrium of CO2 concentration between atmosphere and ocean. The oceanic colour changes due to chlorophyll a provides the level of primary productivity whereas the colour change due to CDOM can be attributed to the level of pollution and higher particulate matter. The ability of optical sensors to map the spatial and temporal patterns of ocean colour over regional and global scales has provided important insights into the fundamental bio-optical properties and bio-physical processes occurring in the aquatic media. Chlorophyll, SST and PAR can be operationally scaled up to estimate primary production and estimate the fish stocks. This training focuses on the basics of marine optics, ocean colour remote sensing, and its applications such as mapping primary productivity, phytoplankton classes and algal blooms.

Vessel-based ocean monitoring with applications to R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen surveys


Vessel-based ocean monitoring with applications to R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen surveys

Training Center

The course has two main objectives: (i) to develop skills among marine environmental scientists participating in the EAF-Nansen Programme to perform onboard duties during surveys concerning the quality control, post-processing and reporting of the physical oceanography data, (ii) to introduce tools that will enable scientists from partner countries to access and use the collected historical time series at their home institutions (e.g. for preparing publications, reports, etc.).

L1.1 AtoN Manager Course. Module 3


L1.1 AtoN Manager Course. Module 3

Training Center

Module 3 is delivered as a residential course covering practical aspects of AtoN provision, design and management.