
Courses tagged with "affiliate::ecop"

Introduction to Oceanographic Survey Techniques and Data Management


Introduction to Oceanographic Survey Techniques and Data Management

Training Center


Global change requires studying the ocean in more detail and at longer and larger scales. Capacity development and training on standard survey techniques and the use of simple sensors has been identified as a tool to enhance ocean observation. This course serves as an introduction to oceanographic survey techniques and data processing. It is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs), students, and other oceanographers who intend to pursue oceanography and marine sciences. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical, and biological) datasets will collected and used during the training, making it easy to relate, understand, and apply the course concept.

Venue: AquaBioTech Group, Mosta, Malta

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the learners are expected to:

  • Be familiar with oceanographic survey techniques.
  • Understand how to use simple data collection tools and sensors.
  • Be familiar with measurement of temperature, salinity, turbidity, depth oxygen and chlorophyll.
  • Produce meaningful descriptive statistics and informative graphs from raw data.
  • Results interpretation and discussion for scientific communication and writing.

Course contents

The course will be divided into 4 modules:

Module 1: Field sampling techniques for basic coastal oceanographic parameters

  • Introduction to oceanographic parameters temperature, salinity, turbidity, depth oxygen and chlorophyll.
  • Preparing a field work checklist,
  • Safety measures during field work
  • Calibration, and deploying of sensors and equipment
  • Field surveys

Module 2: Data visualization and management

  • Data retrieval
  • Data entry
  • Data visualization in R software using ggplot package
  • Simple analysis using R
  • Data management: storage, sharing and repository

Module 3: Basics of scientific writing

  • Language and structure
  • Graphics and visuals
  • Citation and referencing
  • Plagiarism

Module 4: Basics of science communication and outreach

  • Language and sentence structure in science communication
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Visuals for infographics
  • Policy briefs

Target audience

ECOPs who are enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, or have completed their Masters Degree and intend to use this knowledge in their academic or research related work. No prior R knowledge will be required, but knowledge on basics of oceanography is desired.  The current course is specifically targeting ECOPs from and/or based in the Mediterranean region (from Southern Europe, Northern Africa and Western Middle East).

Language of instruction: English

Moderators and Instructors

Ines Boujmil – Aqua Biotech Group

Dr. Anabel von Jackwoski - Stockholm University

Mr. Gabriel Akoko Juma – Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany


This course is being organized with the support of the Early Career Ocean Professionals Programme, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Stockholm University, Aqua Biotech Group, International Ocean Institute, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy and UNESCO-IOC Ocean Teacher Global Academy.


Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Africa


Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Africa

Training Center

The course serves as an introduction to R programming language and software environment (RStudio) for data exploration, cleaning, organizing, analysis and visualization. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical and biological) datasets will be used in the training, making it easy to relate, understand and apply the course concept. The course is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals, hence, no prior experience is required. 

Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Asia


Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) - Asia

Training Center

The course serves as an introduction to R programming language and software environment (RStudio) for data exploration, cleaning, organizing, analysis and visualization. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical and biological) datasets will be used in the training, making it easy to relate, understand and apply the course concept. The course is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals, hence, no prior experience is required.